

The name of the Society shall be the BRECKLAND ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (Abbreviation B.A.S.)


To promote and to advance public education in the science of Astronomy and all branches of scientific research and in the furtherance of this object the Society will: -(i) Hold regular public meetings using lectures, discussions, films and any other means open to the Society.(ii) Provide facilities for those who wish to study astronomy within the society and in the community at large. (iii) Affiliate with other groups of amateur astronomers.


(i) Membership is open to anyone who pays the subscription set by the General Meeting of the Society.(ii) Junior Section Membership is open to anyone under the age of 18 who pay the specified subscription.(iii) Family Membership is available to family groups of two adults and their children under the age of 18, who pay the specified subscription.(iv) The Committee can decide for good reason to terminate or refuse the membership of any individual, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.


The privilege of honorary membership shall be given for service to the Society or to the Science of Astronomy. Those honoured in this way need not be members of the Society. Only the Committee of the Society can make proposals and nominations for this honour.


(i) The management of the Society shall be vested in the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and three persons, all elected by the General Meeting. (ii) The Committee shall have powers of co-option.(iii) The Management Committee shall resign annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.(iv) The control of expenditure and the recommendation of subscription shall be in the hands of the Committee. (v) The members of the Committee will act as Trustees for the Society.(vi) The Society operates a Child Protection Policy.(vii) The Society maintains Risk Assessments for the Observatory and Star Part Sites.


(i) The Society may receive donations, grants-in-aid or financial guarantees.(ii) The income and property wheresoever derived shall be used solely to promote the charitable objects of the Society set forth in the rules.(iii) On the winding up of the Society any remaining assets shall be devoted to a charitable object similar to that of the Society.(iv) The financial year shall end on the 31st.December(v) An account shall be opened with an approved Bank, Building Society or Financial Institution as agreed by the Committee. Cheques/withdrawals as required shall be signed by two of those designated to do so by the Committee.(vi) An Examiner shall be appointed from among the members of the Society other than those who constitute the Committee for the time being.(vii) The Financial Summary and Examiners Statement shall be submitted to the members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting.


(i) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society, which shall be normally held in May or as soon as practicable thereafter. Twenty-one days written notice of the Meeting will be given.(ii) Nominations and proposals must be in writing and in the hands of the Secretary seven days before the Meeting.(iii) Each adult member shall be entitled to one vote. Members unable to attend a general meeting may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.(iv) The Committee shall be under an obligation to call an Extraordinary Meeting upon written request from any six members. The Committee can also call an Extra-ordinary Meeting. Members will be given twenty-one days written notice of such a meeting.


(i) No alteration or amendment shall be made to this Constitution which shall cause the Society to cease being a charity at Law.(ii) Otherwise a properly constituted General Meeting can only change this Constitution, members having been notified in writing beforehand of such a proposal. Two-thirds of votes cast must be in favour of any such change.(iii) Copies of the Constitution shall be displayed in the Observatory and on the website.(iv) Copies of the Child Protection Policy and Risk Assessments are available on request.

This revised Constitution was adopted by the Membership on Friday 9th May 2014.