
The Breckland Astronomical Society, based in the charming town of Great Ellingham, Norfolk, meets regularly at the Recreation Centre. They have an observatory at the corner of the recreation ground, which is a designated Dark Sky Discovery Site. The observatory is equipped with a computer-controlled 20-inch reflecting telescope. Explore our website to learn more about the society, its past and present activities, and feel free to browse around!

Next Events

Never miss out on our upcoming events. Check out our Online Calendar for more information.

Monthly Meetings

Please contact Dan (chairman), Chris (editor), or Keith (membership) with any questions about meetings. Kindly provide a reasonable timeframe for a response.

The usual times are as follows: arrive at 7:15 pm for a 7:30 pm start. The society administration usually lasts for 5 minutes, after which the speaker takes over, followed by questions and coffee. By 9 pm, most talks should be finished, and we will open the observatory to attendees if the weather permits.

Hall entry fees are £3.00 (or £1 if you’re under 18).  

Public Observing Nights

We organise free public observing nights on the last Friday of the month when it is dark enough.

We have ample space on the patio and field for additional telescopes. If you’d like advice or want to test your new telescope, feel free to bring it along.

We’re planning a “bring your telescope” workshop evening for one of these sessions. Stay tuned for more details.


See the Extra Terrestrial.

Local Weather Forecast

Clear outside astronomical weather forecast