Breckland Astronomical Society is based in the dark skies of Great Ellingham in Norfolk, a Dark Sky Discovery Site with its observatory housing a 20″ reflecting telescope. On these pages, you’ll find more about society, past and present, so feel free to look around!
Next Events
Fri 13 September7:15 pm – 9:00 pmDeep Sky Imaging - Peter Goodhew - Monthly Meeting
Peter Goodhew has been photographing deep space since 2015.
Peter has two observatories, one in London and the other in southern Spain.
He has achieved outstandingly ‘deep’ images that are orders beyond what most top amateurs reach. They have revealed details in very recently discovered planetary nebulae.
He is a Fellow of the RAS, a member of the BAA, Webb Deep-Sky Society, and Hants and Herts Astronomical Societies.
His images have been featured in The Sky at Night, The Greenwich Observatory, Astronomy and Astronomy Now magazines, A(Amateur)APOD and other group publications around the world.
See http://www.brecklandastro.org.uk/meetings/#monthly
Fri 27 September8:00 pm – 10:00 pmPublic Observing Night
Breckland Astro’s regular monthly observing night.
Sat 05 October10:00 am – 5:00 pmBAS Stand at Kelling Heath
A chance to see the friendliest society in Norfolk at the biggest star party in the country.
Come and see us at Pitch 128 near the village square.
See http://brecklandastro.org.uk and https://www.kellingheath.co.uk/whats-on-guide/
Never miss what we are planning, see our Online Calendar.
Monthly Meetings
Please get in touch with Dan (chairman), Chris (editor) or Keith (membership) for any queries about meetings, giving a reasonable time to reply.
Usual Times: arrive at 7:15 pm for a 7:30 pm start. Society admin usually lasts 5 min, then it is over to the speaker followed by questions and coffee. By 9 pm most talks should be finished and we open the observatory to attendees if clear.
Hall entry costs are £3.00 (or £1 if under 18).
Public Observing Nights
We hold free public observing nights on the last Friday of the month when it is dark enough.
We have plenty of space on the patio and field for more telescopes. Please bring any new telescopes if you want advice or to test them.
We are planning a bring your telescope workshop evening, for one of these sessions. Watch this space.
See the Extra Terrestrial.